Providing scholarships for youth living in poverty.

Friday 20 May 2011

We Are Here!

Kate, Sarah, and Nikki have arrived in Uganda! All six Escape girls are so sweet and loving life in secondary school. Four of the six (Betty, Scovia, Dinah, and Ketty) came with us on a field trip to the Nile River. Darphine was not yet back from the village, and Rebecca's aunt needed her to work in the market, so they couldn't come.

Dinah and Ketty are twins, and are both very serious girls. I sat next to Ketty on the bus ride and it was hard to crack a smile out of her, even as the younger kids were going crazy cheering and singing as we approached Jinja, the city of the Nile. Betty is a strong leader and the other kids seem to look to her. Studious Scovia is a teensy little thing and brought her notebook and pen, and was busy scribbling down notes on the Nile throughout the trip. Her three siblings (Jackie, Molly, and Fred) were on the field trip as well. They are all very close in age.

The following day, we took Darphine on a field trip with us to Sseko, a fair trade organization that focuses on higher education for girls through the sale of their shoes. We hope that it was inspiring for her. She tells us she wants to go to University in Canada, that she likes biology, and that she wants to be a doctor.

More updates coming soon. Thank you for supporting these girls!

Left to right: Betty, Ketty, Dinah, and Scovia

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